Need i say anything? I mean how BADASS are these shorts?! I know they've been around for a while but suppose i overwhelmed myself and decided to post them up. The best part is that they were made by creative Etsy users. Well my darlings .. Shop on! 1. NeonWonderland 2. & 3. HanMattan 4. Kaleidoscope Eyes 5. & 6. Death Disco Loves You

Plain White Top

Isn't it great how you can throw on a plain white top without worrying about it being boring?
These three lovely gals were able to pull off the white top look. With the right accessories and color combination you're sure to look chic. The best part is that you can mix and match a white top and get multiple looks. My favorite outfit would have to be the middle one. I like the paisley print on the shorts along with the soft fabric. The fact that she knotted the shirt and rolled up the sleeves is a plus in my book! I must say its all in the details.